We are your local Renewable Energy company based in the heart of the Cotswolds.
Founded by Keith Jennings, himself a local business man in the surrounding area for over 10 years and Director of The Cotswold Lighting Company. Cotswold Renewables came to fruition by Keiths love of the Cotswolds and the passion for the use of “Renewable Energy” in everyday life (whether that be Domestic or Commercially applied).

Once our solar panels are installed and the turbines are put up, renewable energy is essentially free. It costs nothing to use the suns rays, and taking advantage of a windy day is free. Furthermore, the supply of wind is not going to diminish. The sun’s rays are also prevalent and will exist for millions of years. Renewable energy has several environmental and economic benefits…
Because renewable energy sources like solar and wind do not require the use of fossil fuels, they do not emit carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a bi-product of burning coal and gas. By reducing the amount of fossil fuels we burn, we are decreasing the amount of pollutants and chemicals being emitted into the atmosphere.
There are huge financial benefits too. Investing in a renewable energy technology now basically means pre-buying energy at today?s prices for a future where energy may cost a lot more. If fuel prices rise, your pay back would happen even sooner. For instance a solar P.V system gives you a typical 7-10% return on investment in a domestic dwelling & in turn increases the value of your home whilst providing free electric for your personal usage.
Government grants available
To put into context the immense power of the sun, the entire supply of coal, oil and natural gas is equivalent to the power put out by the sun in just 20 days. This energy can be harnessed through the use of photovoltaic solar panels that can be put on roofs, and out buildings.
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